Monday, October 24, 2022

Rock The Bells Anthony!

 Hey Gang!

Guess what I found online at Walmart! Yup! I was able to order two before they started making you "check out your local store for availability".

Anthony: Hey, it's me!
Malik: WOW, It is you but different!
Anthony: I know, right! But I'm too smooth for these sweatpants and shirt!
Malik: Yeah, that outfit is for a youth. Did you know he doesn't have the purple bottom sneakers?
Anthony: Really?

So lets compare them.  The new doll is lighter than the old doll. The new doll has more of a matte look to him too.
The beard is higher on the new doll.

Like my Malik, I tried putting the old doll's head on the new body and like it!
Now let's put him in the old outfit.  Yeah, I like that better!
Anthony: I heard the Queens were her!
Malik: Yeah, that is another story!

OK. Thanks For Looking!


Shasarignis said...

I've never seen this boy before, Thank you to share with us πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Shasarignis! He seems to be the fashion plate from the line. He is that can benefit from your fashions.