Thursday, October 20, 2022

All Hail The Queens!

 Hey Gang!

Guess what I came across when I was in Target! I thought they were to be released for another month!

Fresh Fierce Collection Black Panther Wakanda forever! 


The back!


The back!

Malik: The Queens are here!

All Hail the Queens!
Malik: Ms. Leo, when will you let the Queens out of their boxes!
Ms. Leo: They are for my collection and not for  play! They will be going on my doll shelf!
Malik: I can't believe you are going to keep the Queens imprisoned like this Ms. Leo!
Ms. Leo: Malik, I might purchase some to have for play but not right now and I still need to get Suri!

OK, Thanks For Looking!


Shasarignis said...

Thank you to share with us the Black Panther dolls 🙂🙂

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Shasarignis! You are welcome!