Friday, December 17, 2021

Have You Ever Bought A Doll Just For The Head?

Hey Gang!

Have you ever bought a  doll just for the head? I know I have! So this time I just bought the head. 

I have been wanting the 2015 Prince Naveen Classic doll the but there hasn't been a Disney store locally for a while and the eBay price for him is ridiculous. I know, I do have two other of the Naveen dolls in my collection. The Mattel and the first Disney store doll but not the 2015. I have even seen him modified on Instagram. I thought WOW! That's what I want to to! So when I found a head for under $5.00, I had to get it! And wait for it...I got a $4.00 coupon which meant I only spent $1.65. Woo Hoo!

I had a Flynn Rider body that I wan't using because I put Flynn(Gavin) on another body. It isn't a perfect match but it will do for now.

OK, Thanks For Looking!


Lynn said...

Looks good! I like that his hair is different:@)

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Lynn! More that just his hair is different. Did you checkout the link to the Instagram photo? He really looks great there! The eyes are repainted and the hair is altered. I really give him a different look!

Sandi Magle said...

I call this Frankensteining dolls-and yikes, I don't remember who I have done what to.... But, if you want a face or a body, sometimes you have to...Frankenstein it! For sure!!

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Sandi! If you look on the labels at the bottom of this post (or the side panel) you will see HSD which means Head Swap Dolls. These are head that have a different body that what it came with. You will note that I have about 36 entries and I may have more that I just didn't post. At a point in your collection, you are just not satisfied what the way that things are out in the market. You step forward and try to make what you like or would hope was out there. So you are like me in your collection, making your own kind of doll!

Lisa Neault said...

Yes, I did this with my custom Louis XVl doll . His head is a Twilight doll head- it isn't Edward or Jasper, it is the other vampire one. I had him rerooted and repainted to look like Louis XVl by Dawn Anderson and I put the head on an Integrity Dynamite Kyu body which had the Japan skintone to match. This is fun to do especially if you need articulation!! Good luck on your customizing!

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Lisa! I think you used the Emmett character Kellan Lutz head! I have admired it for a while. I love all his extra. I hope to do a few extras with my head.

april_n_paris said...

I have never bought a doll for the head, but I have simply bought a head then looked for a body afterwards. Why? Sometimes, it's the cheapest way I've been able to afford a certain doll or...sometimes its prior owner have taken liberties with the doll's hair and then decided to get rid of it when they decided it didn't work out. I love dolls with shorter hair so there have been times when I bought the head because I loved the shorter hairstyle!

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment April! I find it interesting that you like shorter hair! Most people who I have known who purchased a doll with cut hair planned on rerooting it. There are more great faces than there are great bodies! So I am always finding great heads to add to my collection!