Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Little Cuties! Update!

 Hey Gang!

I was able to purchase these cutes! 

They are Dreamtopia Sprite AA Boy doll and Color Reveal AA Boy doll.

The Dreamptopia Sprite doll has the basic Chelsea boy body.  The Color Reveal boy
 has a different body. The body is of a different material and is harder. The clothes are 
painted on and it has a different neck knob.
The Color Reveal even has a different head. This would make it hard to put him on 
a basic Chelsea boy body. I heated a screwdriver and opened up his head.
 I would like to rebody them onto a Zoe Scooter Ride Doll body.
So, here they are! I am thinking about removing the crown from the Dreamtopia Sprite boy

OK, Thanks For Looking!

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