Sunday, September 1, 2024

Getting The Best People Is The Beginning! Johnston Hospital!

Hey Gang!

Terrence: I need to get staffing up and running. It is time to get Suzie here!

Suzie: Hello,  Metropolitan Hospital!
Terrence: Don't tell me they have you on the switchboard?
Suzie: Hello! Yes, they do! It's a little strange around here since you two left. I think
a lot of people will be leaving. A real mass exodus!
Suzie: You know you guys made this place bearable!

Terrence: Which brings me to why I called. I want you to come and work for
me! I know it is a move for you. I can double your salary and cover your move!
I want you to run my office again. We have the chance to do good work here.
Come out here and, have a look around. We can have lunch and talk about it. 
Suzie: Hold on, I have an incoming call!

Suzie: Uhh Dr. Laurent , he no longer works here...... In her mind she thought
and neither am I. Is there someone else you would like to see instead? You can find him 
in Johnston.

OK, I am putting in for my vacation.  Then I'll give my resignation!

OK, One down five more to go!

OK, Thanks For Looking!

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