I'm sharing some more of the tops I received in my trade
Dollz4Moi. I am introducing a few more characters
too. I love the black and white combo, so I had to show it.
The pink and cream looks great with the Harley leather
pants and the strawberry to just looks sweet with the green
bow on the shoulder.
Maya Laurent
This is Maya Laurent. She is “Una” (pronounced you- na)
or first born in Roubanese. She is named after KiKi’s mother and her
grandmother Maya Falou. She bares a strong resemblance
to KiKi’s side of the family.
Being the oldest, Maya is very serious and was always a
studious child. It is not surprising that she went to law
school and became a lawyer. She works for a center city
law firm but has started her own practice.
At work Maya is kinda quiet, and shy, but very, very smart!
But Maya is not shy around her family. Being the oldest of
such a large family you have to be heard. He siblings even
think of her as wisecracking and a jokester.
Brenda Laurent
This is Brenda Laurent. If you follow my blog, then you met
her at Christmas and...

spending time with her grandmother in St. Malcolm.

She is number two or Tini (pronounced tin-nee) in the
Laurent clan. She and Maya are very close and share each
others secretes. Maya was first to know when Brenda first
kissed a boy! There are always alot of giggles betwen then.
Brenda is outgoing and makes friend easily.
She looks like a Laurent! She looks like Stephan's mother,
her great grandmother, especially when she smiles.
She always loved looking at pictures of her mother
and grandmothers when they were younger. She loves
their styles from that time. She especially loves
their hairstyles through the years and became a
beautician. She too had worked in center city at a hair
salon. She has since opened her own shop,Hairatage,and
she has also just completed a real estate
course. She is nerves about taking the test. Maya
helps her and preps her for the test.
Mariam Laurent
All other children are normally refer to as bini in Roubanese.
She is the four child and is behind Steve in birth order. She
and Steve are close. Right now she is getting extra Dad time!
Out of all the Laurent children she is the only one who has
expressed and interest in medicine. She is preparing to go to
dental school. Her father has her with him as much as possible
to prepare her.

The girls together.