Going To The Party! Right after Renee hangs up with her sister her husband, Etienne, calls! ring ring
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The WOAA Halloween Party- Part One- Even Big Sister Need A Little Help!
Even Big Sister Need A Little Help!

Renee: Are you going to the Halloween party? Everyone
Everyone in town is excited about the WOAAA Halloween
party. Renee calls her sister to see if she is going. Renee
thinks her sister works to hard and doesn't make time for
love in her life. Dominique answers the phone
a little flustered!
Renee: Well hello to you too! Are you in town?
Hold on while I switch to my earphone.
I need to finish this article as we talk. I’m back.
Renee: Are you going to the Halloween party? Everyone
who is anyone is going to be there! I think Raphael
will be there!
Dominique: I was just thinking about it. I could make some
great contacts but I don’t have a costume.
Renee: I’m going to Harry’s Halloween shop to get one.
Why don’t you meet me there and we can pick
something out for you. Something eye catching!
Dominique: Ooh OK, how about an hour from now.
Renee: Sounds like a plant.
AA Silktone lingerie,
Head Swap Dolls,
Repro Julia,
Story B,
Friday, October 29, 2010
Another Thirft Store Find --Can You Believe it!
Thrift Store Find!
I stopped by my favorite thrift store and what did I find?

I stopped by my favorite thrift store and what did I find?
This is why it is my favorite! I could believe she
was there and I could believe the price!
She had her shoes too! Rare for thrift store dolls.
It was a lucky day! I have a lot of dolls with this face
but I have plans for the body. You may know Julia is my
favorite doll. You can get a little bored with the pose
options for the TNT body. That is why I am trying new
things for the head.
I found another item too but I will save that for later.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
OK! Barbie Basics 4.2 The Pink Line! LOL!
Just having a little fun!
So I created the Barbie Basics 4.2
So I created the Barbie Basics 4.2
Barbie Basics,
Barbie Basics #10,
Head Swap Dolls,
Repro Julia
Friday, October 22, 2010
Checking Your Stats! 10 Questions On Stats.

Trying To Get A Feel For Stats!
I am asking these questions of my fellow bloggers.
Please take the time to answer!
1. Have you notice that blogspot has added your
stats to the Dashboard?
2. Have you checked your stats lately?
3. What do you think when you do check them?
4. What post got the highest stats?
5. Are your post influenced by stats?
6. What other board that you go on let you check
your stats?
7.Do you wish that Flickr would let you check you
stats for free?
8. What other information from you stats would
you like?
9. What is more important stats or comments?
10. Do you want to keep the stats tab or would you
like something else there?
1. Have you notice that blogspot has added your
stats to the Dashboard?
2. Have you checked your stats lately?
3. What do you think when you do check them?
4. What post got the highest stats?
5. Are your post influenced by stats?
6. What other board that you go on let you check
your stats?
7.Do you wish that Flickr would let you check you
stats for free?
8. What other information from you stats would
you like?
9. What is more important stats or comments?
10. Do you want to keep the stats tab or would you
like something else there?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Group Picture Of The Founding Members of W.O.A.A.A.
Hey Gang!
WOAAAThese are the founding members of W.O.A.A.A.
(pronounced woah ah) After many phone
calls, meetings, discussions, the forming of organizational rules,
and a lot of prayer, the Women of the African Ark Association
was formed. It was formed to “Honor their past through
culture, service and education”. The Ascension Ceremony is
done wearing white. Pictures of the ceremony are forbidden
but pictures are taken after.
I also wanted to show off these white dresses I purchased from
the dollar store too! They are supposed to be bridal dress
ornaments. But hey…they were a dollar! They inspired
the story.
I have had to cut my dolly budget until after Xmas.
So you will get to see how I manage it. Dolls like new things!
Also, I am working hard to take better pictures and better
pictures of my darker dolls. Man... these girls eat the light!
It is even harder with dolls of different complexions.
Nubia-Vice President Annukka-Secretary and her sisterAnelisa-Treasurer
OK, Thanks For Looking!
Kenyan Barbie,
Princess of South Africa,
Queen Adora,
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Before There Were Belly Button Bodies....There Was Jazzie
Jazzie enjoys one the last great fall days at the
beaches with her buddy, Fluffy. Who is Jazzie?
Well before there were dolls with belly
button bodies...there was Jazzie.
She has one of the sweetest faces that Mattel
produced in 1989. Francie disappeared in the 70's.
Her face mold was used for a few other dolls including:
Heart Family Mother and the Starr doll's friend Kelly.
How does she compare with the belly button bodies?
Aya has come to the beach for comparisons.
She is the same height as Barbie.
Hips are about the same but unlike the belly button
and Fashionista bodies, Jazzie is jointed at the waist...
you know that twist-n-turn thing. Her arms are bent in the
gift giving manner. Jazzie also came along with Barbies had tans!
She has that tan complexion that newer dolls don't have.
Her feet are flat and larger that the flat feet of Francie.
Her feet have more of an arch are not as flat as some
sports activity Barbies.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Olmec Dolls Imani #2
Olmec Imani Doll #2
I purchase these dolls back in the early 90's when I found my way
back to collecting dolls. The dolls are by Olmec Toys. The
company was name after the Olmecs. The Olmecs were believed
to be an African race of people who came the the America
before Columbus. There is some questions about that.. so do
your own research. This is the Imani doll. She has had two
head molds. The first was model after the owner. I don't
think they did a good job of capturing the owner.
(head mold to be shown in later post) It was replace
with this head mold. The doll was done in several skin
tones. I am showing two of the tones- the lite and the dark.
There was a medium tone but I was never able to find her.
These dolls are before the Shani line came out. There were also
male dolls too. (I will show him on a later post also)
There is some controversy about the owner of the company.
I don't know if it is true or not, so I won't post the information
here. I leave that upto you to researchers and find out.
The Comparisons
She is about the same size as Barbie. The hips are smaller
that the 1966 and the 1990 Barbie body.
The bust is smaller than the 1966 but is a littler larger than
belly button body dolls. The dress above is a little stretched
across the chest.
Many of the Imani fashion are ethnic inspired. A few are not.
The doll in the Kente dress is a Kwanza doll. Done way
before Mattel.The other outfit I am not sure about.
She can wear Barbie clothes but the Imani pants
are a little snug on Barbie because....
Imani is buttless! (insert scream here!)
Flat as a pancake!
They can wear each others shoes too. Barbie's
shoes are of a better quality.
Warning! Up until recently ( mid 90's) the quality
of fashion dolls other than Barbie (construction and quality) are
not as good! This goes for clothing too! Today there are a good
selection of Upscale fashion dolls to choose from. There are still
inexpensive dolls and clothes out there but we now have a choice.
Imani hand and Barbie hand
Hands are not done as well.
Imani Hip and Barbie Hip
note: seem on leg are not as smooth and dimpling.
The body and the legs of this doll are not of the quality of Barbie.
The leg joint comes off of the knob attaching the leg to the body.
The knob may actually break off with the leg. The head is
mounted on a ball at the top of the neck for the head to swivel.
This style of neck makes it difficult if not impossible to swap
the head to a quality body. Most quality bodies have a different
type of neck. The hands are a little ruff in the finishing
of the design. The hair doesn't have the soft feel that I am use
to with a Barbie doll but not as stiff a the hair of Janay
dolls when they first came out.
All that being said, .....I love the face. I like the color and
the way her makeup is applied. Especially for back then!
She has a friendly quality to her which despite all of
her drawback make her appealing to me.
She is one of my favorite dolls.