The new Beast doll showed up and Toys R Us. He
is the third release of a beast doll. The first Beast was
in 1991.
The second was in 2005. He was called Royal Style
Beast. I guess he was an upscale beast( a lot like some
of the guys I use to date :) .
I wanted to get one but for some reason
I never did. It had the same face mold
but a different paint of the features.
The eyes did have the same cartoon look to them.
The hair color was a brown/red.
The beast costume was a little different too. There was no
beast pants and the hair of the beast was straight.
I guess the beast got a relaxer.

This doll looks very differnt from the old Beast Doll.
He has painted on hair that is a red and not a blonde.
He is not the smiling beast of the past.The beast
costume is different too! The older costume
had beast head and jacket tha was furry with furry
feet and tail pants. This doll only has a beast head and
He doesn't have the backward facing
arms that a lot of collectors don't seem
to like. His are is jointed. But.....
his legs don't bend...Ug!