Friday, September 6, 2024

After The Meeting!

 Hey Gang!

This is a follow-up to this post!

As part of the meeting with Shannon, Ian, and Terrence, they made up a list of doctors they wanted to offer positions!  

The first one was Dr. Eli Agnar!

Eli worked under Terrence and Ian ten years ago and they wouldn't miss an opportunity to have him on staff! Eli is a general practitioner and a statistical wizard. He worked with Ian and Terrence on medical trials and he really shined.  They know that medical trial programs that will be grant-funded will be a big part of what the Johnston Hospital will do!

Next Up is Patrick McDreamy!

Ian worked with Patrick on several presentations for funding, and planned giving! Patrick charmed the pants and skirts off of potential donors! Do you have your checkbook? With Eli and Patrick on board, Johnston Hospital easily got the money needed to refurbish and retrofit the old hospital and add a new wing!

Finally, a big plan to have a Women's and Family Clinic!  

Dr. Angela Rizzo ..... OBGYN doctor.

and Dr. Yue Sai Wa Wa will head the Pediatric clinic. 

Yue is gifted when it comes to children and she cares!
Ian and Terrence with the first of the new hirers.

OK, Thanks For Looking!

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