Have you ever seen "
When Harry Met Sally"? I love
that movie! There is a scene where couples talk about
how they go married. That was the inspiration for this
post. That and I tried to post on a forum about great
love stories and they have not approve me yet!
So I decided to do an on going feature of my doll couples
and their love story! So I had to include a reporter,
Steven T. Laurent.
Steven: Hi, I'm Steven T. Laurent your roving reporter
from station WJBS bring you our continuing feature on
love! I am interviewing my grandparents
Stephan T. Laurent and Camille Laurent about love.
They have been married for 50 years!
The Laurents: Hello!
Steven:How did you know that this was the person you should
Camille: I had just moved to the US from the Islands to
further my career as a model. I was invited to a church
Steven: and then?
Stephan: I had come to say goodbye to my pastor before
leaving for Air Force flight school. He told me he had
someone he wanted me to meet. I Knew when I saw her.
Stephan: We dated and wrote letter for two years. I had
to finish flight school you know. She had gotten pretty
well know in modeling by then too. Then I asked her!
Camille: I said yes!
Both together: We have happy ever since!
Aren't they just great! This has been our "Endless Love"
feature. Until next time I am Steven Laurent Of WJBS.