charters are off brand dolls. The companies that make them
don't seem to go for the standard look you see in popular dolls
and action figures. Some how, the look that they have seems
to give them even more character!
So, here is Harold Hill. That is the name I have given him.
He is a thrift store fine. He is made by a company called Link
and his head says 2002.
He is the brother of Harry Hill, of “Harry’s Costume Shop ".
Harold is his younger brother. He is very handy
and is a contractor. His motto is that “Your job will be done
on time and on budget!” For him, no job is too big or too small.
He will only hirer trustworthy helpers and is stickler about
keeping you home clean while he works. All of these reasons
have made him successful and sought-after contractor.
He has a trusting face!
With a get it done attitude! Look for him in the doll pages.
Great find Ms.Leo! I need to find some more male dolls.
I like him. He's a cutie pie!
I also like off brand dolls because their different face molds bring different personalities to my doll stories. I need a fellow like Harry Hill to fix quite a few things around my house!
I am not that attracted to white guys in real life but this guy is super attractive. His face does make you want to trust him too!! -- Kristl
Anonymous said...Thanks Frannie! Male dolls a hard to find. I am alway excited to see their bodies in the doll bin in thrift store. I hope as a dig in that it is one I don't already have.
Thanks Vanessa. I think he is cute too!
limbe dolls, in dolly world I can send my wishes out into the universe. I have never had a Harold type as a contractor. I always seem to get the other type! Some of my favorite doll faces are off brands!
Thanks Kristl. You can never have enough good guys!
Congratulations, Ms. Leo! Not only has he got a new face, but he looks like a well-built, sturdy POSEABLE guy! Whooo hooo! You got a winner here.
Thanks D7ana. I really like him and will keep him busy in stories.
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