Sunday, May 1, 2022

May is Disney Month Live Action Mulan


 Hey Gang!

I posted about this doll before but I haven't reviewed her on my blog.  

So here is my review for Disney month!
I like the backdrop and hope to use it.
I found this doll at a local discount store!  I couldn't see paying $15 for her with not articulation.

Here hair is the softest but it is OK. I know that there is a Disney Store version that is more
high end but that isn't this doll. So harder hair, nor articulation and lower end outfit. 
But for a basic doll, she is OK.  The top and the pants don't have finished hems.
The boots can work for other dolls with larger feet.

Warning! Nude Dolls!

This Disney store doll is reminiscent of some Mattel dolls.  
The body is similar to  Diamond Castle dolls like Melody here!
Live Action Mulan doll.

Her face is closer to Mattel Lea's face than the Mulan dolls of the past.

Mulan dolls
Live Action Mulan
She looks more like Lea than the old Mulan doll produced for Disney by Mattel!

Mattel Lea Dolls

She was moved to a Liv doll body!

OK, Thanks For Looking!

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