Sunday, April 21, 2024

Boy Scout Action Figures Video Of The Month!

 Hey Gang!

The first time I saw the Boy Scout action figure was on Roxanne's Dolls! She had a great post about the BFF Ink doll Calista doll and Boy Scout Bob. The running posts were in a dear dairy style about a young girl. Calista's love interest was Bob the Boy Scout.  I looked him up and he was made by Kenner!

Nerd Rage did a great video on the action figure and I posted it below.

"A brief history of Kenner's Boy Scouts of America Line A.K.A. Steve Scout. which came out in 1974, and ended in 1975."


One of the points made in the video is that Bob and the other scouts' heads might fall off with play. So if you have them, be careful or have glue! Also, since these action figures are 40 years old, the uniforms aren't always in the best of shape. Many are pretty faded. The shirts on my uniforms have holes. They are made from cotton.  The pants are made of twill and have seemed to hold up better.

Boy Scouts Steve and Bob are 9  3/4 inches tall. Cub Scouts are Craig and Dave are 8 1/2 inches tall.

In their uniforms, Craig in the blue and Steve in the khaki green.  

Craig is the blonde and Steve is the redhead.
In their uniforms AA scouts, Bob in the khaki green and Dave in the blue.
Bob is the tall one and Dave is the shorter one.
The Boy Scouts do a three-finger salute and the Cub Scouts do a two-finger salute.

Warning! Nude bodies!

The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are definitely action-figure bodies! They have broad shoulders and narrow waists. They are more muscular than other kid dolls of the same size. 
They are more than Stacie-size dolls.
Thighs, calves, and arms are beefier. 
Steve and Bob can wear some Stacie-size boy clothes and CreateableWorld world doll clothes depending on the cut.
The Cub Scout body is a better fit in Stacie-size clothes.
Bob and Dave with their mom and dad. 
Mom is Christy and dad is Joe.  Meet the Jacksons.

Roxanne does a video at the end of Calista's diary post of Bob and Calista dancing.  It is super cute! I had to share it with you guys.

OK, Thanks For Looking!


Comunidade luso-galicana na cidade de Nova York said...

I found a Ricky doll dressed in the Steve Scout outfit. Not too many outfits for poor Skipper's bf.

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Comunidade luso-galicana na cidade de Nova York (CL-GNACDNY)! The fact that you were able to get Rick in a scout's outfit is a great find! Congrats on that!