Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Few Things For My Birthday-PT 2!

Hey Gang!

It's been a while since I added another animal to the zoo. I saw this guy at Walmart
this September. They only had the one. So I had been eyeing this guy for a while!
I was going to purchase him back in early December but he must have sold.  I didn't
think that they would get another in. But when I walked down the toy aisle the other
day, what did I see?  Him!

Adventure Force Soft Gorilla Toy!

 He is pretty big but light!  He is 10 inches tall and about 7 inches from shoulder to
shoulder. He reminds me of the gorilla Shabani, I saw on the web that women
are going crazy over!
So he need a large enclosure. I started on this room-box for something else but I think it will work for him too!
I am calling him Shabani and he is an Eastern lowland gorilla! His size and coloring tells
us that.  His pictured here with Lucy!
I might repaint his eyes. I am not feeling the red.  They should be more of a cream
with brown iris.
Lucy's eye are closer to what the eyes on Shabani should look like. I might paint
over her silver to black.
Shabani weights  a little over 500lb! This is on the high end of the scale for an Eastern
lowland gorilla but not out of the norm for this type of gorilla.  Here, like in the wild,
he is an Alpha male in this little group!
Shabani is thing-No I don't want a banana!
I like the way he can stands. It adds to his look of strength! If he stand up straight,
he will be looking Ken in the eye!
 What is up there?
 Side view!
 Oh Lucy!
Lucy normally stays in his shadow! She isn't as outgoing as he is. I found her
in a thrift store.
 I should have given them a window and door!
There is something separating them from the public!  I worked on this fence before the
Flower show too but didn't finish it until after.

OK, Thanks For Looking!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

3RD Palace Winner!

Hey Gang!

I don't think I mentioned that I was a 3rd place winner in the FB
Barbie and Friend's Lounge Valentines Day contest!
Here is the photo I won for!  It is the Woo's!

Those that follow me on FB will have known that I came in 3rd but didn't know
what I won. Well my prize just arrived!

The prize had something for the boys for summer and something for the girls
for winter! How cool is that!  The prizes were purchase off of Etsy

The boys got the shorts!

I like the pattern of the shorts!  Kind of a British thing going on. They are well made
and are by JollyDollyShop
Our model Zhang is wearing them with Mattel's Ken doll's shirt and JB sneakers!

The girls got a sweater!

I really love this sweater!  The colors are great, the stitch work is great, the yarn is great!
Do I sound like Nina Garcia? The sweater is by Nobodyknitsistbetter.
 The back!
Raglan sleeves!

Our model for the sweater is my Esmae! (formally HSM 1st wave Sharpay)

I am so happy with my prizes!  I'll be entering more contests.

OK, Thanks For Looking!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Birthday Presents To Me!

Hey Gang!

While I was away for the Phila. Flower Show, I had a birthday! WooHoo!
I am 29 again!😃

I purchased a few inexpensive doll stuff for myself for my birthday.  I bought
some expensive plants for my birthday too.  I will share with you my doll stuff!

First up is the My Life As-Reversible Background! 

I have seen them at Walmart for a while.  And many of you have purchased them.
I thought their scale was off but I think I can make this one work!  For
$2.00 I am going to give it a try. I still think the scale on the others is off.  I
may change my mind.
OK, let's give it a look!  Because the grass in the park scene is lighter than what I 
normally used as grass, I purchased a light green tablecloth to serve as grass!
 I have to work with it to eliminate the glare but not bad!
 Might need to do a low-temperature press on the tablecloth too!
I can see where it could be a great thing for quick dios for my dolls!
I have a brown bench that would work well here that I need to find.
A quick park scene! Hanna: It's a nice day to be outside!

 Joined by friends!The boys: Hanna! great to see you!
 Joined by another friend!
Hanna: the sun is really starting to come out now!
Jay and Vanessa agree!
I can see that many of my dolls will be hanging out in the Park!  I think the park
will be in the center of town and many dolls will have to cross it on their way to

I will post the rest of my presents and do a dio of the other side next!

OK, Thanks For Looking!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

So I Know It Is Not Dolls!

Hey Gang!

So I know it is not dolls but let me post some pictures from the Phila. Flower Show!

Winner of Yin and Yang class/category
The before

The after!
 The reclaiming of a vacant lot. Plants that pull the toxins from the soil!

 This one is life and death!
Cradle gardens! This is a garden that is planted at grave site.  People plant this gardens
in a few old cemetery in Phila. OK, It's a Philly thang!  They plant gardens and picnic there.

My baby at the show!

 Longwood Gardens new Clivia!
 Tea cup orchids
 My first ribbon of many ribbons this year!
 My Scouts won 30 ribbons!
 Live competitions on the Show Room Floor!

I have more photos that I will post to my other blog!

OK,Thanks For Looking!