Friday, March 29, 2024

The Return of Rhonda!

 Hey Gang!

My Fashionista BoHo Fringe has been sitting around hoping for blog time! 

Rhonda: Yes, Ms. Leo! What's up with that! And my name is Rhonda.

Well, Rhonda, I said, you did have that hair that has that sticky stuff in it! It took washing with adhesive remover several times to get that stuff out.  
Rhonda: Yeah, maybe but I have this great hair color!

You also have a stiff body but I've got a new articulated body for you! I ordered more 
bodies from China. 

New body and old body.

Rhonda on the new body and Rhonda's old body.

It is similar to the old Fashionista articulated body. Contrary to popular belief, MTM bodies are the be-all and end-all of bodies. The old Fashionista body was more elegant to me. The bodies from China aren't made as well as the Mattel Fashionista body but the Mattel body is getting harder to find. I think stocking up on these cheap bodies might work for me.

Me: Rhonda is a difficult complexion match. She doesn't match the complexion of any other warm tones of Mattel dolls in the line. She has the gray-green undertone of an IT doll or an old Defa Lucy doll.

Rhonda: I'm shorter now! I guess I can deal with that now that I can move. I think it is time for an outfit!

Me: OK, I have this Fresh Dolls outfit!
Rhonda: Yeah, this is kinda nice! I don't need those shoes.  I like these better.
Me: Now that you can move, tell us a little about yourself!

Rhonda:  Well, I am a happily married mother of three girls.  With three young teenage and preteenage girls, it can be a drama zone at home. I will be working in the Radiology Department at the hospital.

Me: Oh, so you will need scrubs! I have just the thing! I got these scrubs too from Fresh Dolls.
I saw a review on the Fresh Dolls fashion packs. One of the things that the reviewer said was that "at the price point Fresh Dolls outfits don't contain shoes like Mattel and or cheap Dollar Tree outfits.
Rhonda: It will be great to get to work!

OK, Thanks For Looking!


Jeanie said...

I have a bunch of donor bodies. Buy em cheap at thrift stores and yard sales!

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Jeanie! I buy them at thrift stores too but there are as many in stores as ther used to be. Some complexions are harder to find also.