Saturday, June 24, 2023

New Projects And Video Of The Month!

 Hey Gang!

I have been doing many things with my dolls that at the beginning of my doll collecting I would not have thought possible.  I have switch heads, restyle hair, painted hair, painted eyes, switch a few limbs, made clothes and furniture. (all of which I need to do more of)

This is my next step!  I have purchased a rooting tool and will now attempt to do that too! I purchase to the tool from  They have rooting tools, hair (saran, nylon and nylatex) for rooting flocking and quality paint for repainting, touchups and restoring.  There are even kits that contain everything you need to start a project.

I ordered the starter kit and a few extra needles the size used for Barbies because we all know that needles brake. I aslo ordered flocking.

The flocking comes in this containers and they are filled to the top.  It spilled out when I opened one.
I was able to get in back into the container but realized that each color needed its' own baggie.
Here is what is in the starter kit. The tool and needles!
Open and spread out.
This pack has four needles. You can see all the needles on the #7 but some of the #8 were cut off.
These are the size used for Barbie.
All the others are used for dolls other than Barbie.

This is the video from the site on how to reroot.

I have some hair for braiding I can practice with and a few dolls that are hoping to get new hair.

OK, Thanks For Looking!

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