Friday, October 11, 2019

It Is That Time Of Year!

Hey Gang!

It is that time of year when knock of dolls and doll related item or items that
can be used for dolls start showing up!  So keep your eyes peeled!

To keep one's eyes peeled means to be alert, observant. This seems an 
odd phrase, but dates back to the 1820s in Britain, when Sir Robert Peel 
established the first organised police force. The officers were known as '
peelers, or 'bobbies'. They were expected to be particularly observant 
and to keep their eyes 'peeled', after their founder's orders! Of the two 
popular names, only 'bobby' survives.


So here are some photos and prices of things I've seen in local discount


 Sophie doesn't have such a grey complex this year!
 She looks better and more bronze!

 I didn't know that there were Polly Pocket guys!

 I thought about this for food truck!
 This is the first time I saw the small set!  I nomally see the larger one!

 Kinda cute!
 The roof comes off too!

Kelly size doll with Chelsea head!

OK, Thanks For Looking!


Georgia Girl said...

Ooh, I would be a kid in a candy store!

Ms. Leo said...

Thanks for your comment Georgia Girl!
My wallet wouldn't allow that but I did get a few things! Might go back for some more thing!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I love the caption on the kitchen stove box: Owning it is your best choice! Translation straight from Chinese, I bet.